14th EuroSpeleo Forum – 11th Spanish Speleological Congress

MEH (Museo de la Evolución Humana) P.º Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Castilla y Leon, Spain

The Confederación de Espeleología y Cañones CEC organises the 14th EuroSpeleo Forum together with 11th Spanish Speleological Congress. There will be a pre-congress from 5th to 8th September 2022 in Cantabria in the Community of Asón, Spain. The Forum and … Continued

International Scientific Conference “Man and Karst” 2022

Monti di Capo San Vito Custonaci, Trapani, Sicily, Italy

As part of the International Year of the Caves and Karst, organized by the International Union of Speleology (UIS) to celebrate caves and karst internationally and teach the world about their importance, the International Scientific Conference "Man and Karst" is … Continued

15th European Cave Rescue Meeting

House of Culture Dělnická 38, Rudice, Czech Republic

The 15th European Cave Rescue meeting is organised by the Cave Rescue Service of the Czech Speleological Society on behalf of the European Cave Rescue Assocciation ECRA. It will be held from 28th September to 2nd October 2022 in Rudice, … Continued

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