1st Maghreb Congress of Speleology CMS

L' Institut Supérieur des Sciences et Technologies de l' Environnement Higher Institute Science And Technology Environmental, Borj Cédria, Tunisia

Dear colleagues, friends and speleologists, We are pleased to present to you the 1st Maghreb Congress of Speleology (1er Congrès Maghrébin de Spéléologie CMS) which will be held in Borj Cédria, Tunisia, from March 18 to 21, 2023. The Maghreb … Continued

4th International Planetary Caves Conference

Conference Room of La Tegala Pl. de la Constitución, 1, Haría, Lanzarote, Las Palmas, Spain

During the last decade, caves and subterranean features have been discovered on nearly every planetary surface as the spatial resolution of spacecraft instrumentation has markedly improved. Planetary scientists have identified more than 270 lunar and several hundred martian cave-like features. … Continued

15th EuroSpeleo Forum

Fritz-Philippi-Schule Am Südhang 2 A, Breitscheid, Hessen, Germany

The organizers of the 2023 meeting of the German cavers, the German Speleological Federation as well as the FSE Bureau cordially invites you to join the 15th EuroSpeleoForum (ESF) in Breitscheid/Hessen, which will take place between 17th and 21st of … Continued

14th International Symposium on Pseudokarst

Centre of Training and Education of the Stołowe Mountains National Park Karłów 10, Kudowa Zdrój, Poland

Pseudokarst, block cave in the Hejda massif (photo J. Urban).   Pseudokarst caves in present-day exploration and scientific research Pseudokarst (non-karst) caves represent a great number of caves discovered, explored and studied currently and in the past. However, they are … Continued

1st Caucasian Symposium on Subterranean Biology

Ilia State University Building G, Conference hall G106, K. Cholokashvili ave. 3/5, Tbilisi, Georgia

The 1st Caucasian Symposium on Subterranean Biology is organized by the cave biologists’ team of Ilia State University, Tbilisi, Georgia and will be held at Ilia State University, Tbilisi, Georgia on 16th and 17th June, 2023. The symposium will be … Continued

16th Balkan Cavers Camp

Zlatarski Zlatnik Брдо бб, Nova Varoš, Serbia

The 16th Balkan Cavers Camp will be organised from 28th June - 2nd July 2023 near Nova Varoš Town, Western Serbia in the Zlatar Mountain and Special Nature Reserve “Uvac”.  The center of the event and camping place are located … Continued

Cave Conservation Summer Workshop

Villa della Speranza Via per Villanova, Ostuni, Bari, Italy

From 8th to 10th September Tetide in Italy organises a Cave Conservation Summer Workshop in Ostuni (BR).   The workshop is organized by Tetide APS with the support of the Conservation Division of the National Speleological Society in collaboration with … Continued

Hidden Earth 2023

Gordano School Lipgate Place, Portishead, Bristol, United Kingdom

Hidden Earth Is Back! We're thrilled to announce the return of Hidden Earth for 2023!​ Our long-awaited return after Covid restritions and a host of other problems, we're finally able to announce that Hidden Earth 2023 is back! This year's … Continued

Karst, Caves and People 2023

Kulturní dům, Cultural Centre Sloup 189, Sloup, Czech Republic

We invite you to the upcoming 5th International Meeting of Cavers  in the Moravian Karst and  the 2nd conference Karst, Caves and People 2023! Thiese events are organized on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the first historical descent of man … Continued

28th International Cave Bear Symposium 2023

Urwelt-Museum Oberfranken Kanzleistraße 1, Bayreuth, Oberfranken, Germany

In 2023 the 28th International Cave Bear Symposium will take place at the Urwelt-Museum, Bayreuth, Oberfranken in Germany. It is the regional museum for natural history and mineralogy in Upper Franconia. Founded in 1833 as Kreis-Naturalien-Cabinet, reopened in 1998 as … Continued

4th International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Cavities “Hypogea2023“

Palazzo Ducale, Sala Maggior Consiglio Piazza Giacomo Matteotti, 9, Genova, Italy

The Centro Studi Sotterranei, under the patronage of the Union Internationale de Spéléologie, the support of the Italian Speleological Society and in collaboration with the Hypogea Federation and UIS Artificial Cavities Commission and the Ligurian Speleological Delegation organize in Genoa (Italy) on 29 September / 1 October 2023 … Continued

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