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4th International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Cavities “Hypogea2023“

September 29, 2023 - October 1, 2023

The Centro Studi Sotterranei, under the patronage of the Union Internationale de Spéléologie, the support of the Italian Speleological Society and in collaboration with the Hypogea Federation and UIS Artificial Cavities Commission and the Ligurian Speleological Delegation organize in Genoa (Italy) on 29 September / 1 October 2023 the 4th International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Cavities “Hypogea2023

Artificial cavities are underground works of historical and anthropological interest, realised by man or adapted by him to his own needs. Where climatic conditions or historical events required it, and morphology and lithology were favourable, excavation or negative construction techniques were developed (by subtraction), which over time produced a large part of what we now call artificial cavities. These are underground structures, spread all over the world, diversified by age, excavation technique and destination, of which man is the speleo-genetic factor.

Topics of the thematic sessions

The proposed thematic sessions, the core of the congress, will welcome studies undertaken in the international field on: 

  • Ancient underground hydraulic works (Paolo Madonia)
  • Rock-cut settlement works (Anaïs Lamesa)
  • Underground Religious and cult works (Boaz Zissu)
  • Mining/extraction works (Michele Betti)
  • Underground Architecture and urban planning (Stefano Saj)
  • Artificial cavities as a possible geological risk factor (Francesco Faccini)
  • New technologies for analyzing and documenting the artificial cavities (Alessandro Maifredi)
  • Categories and types of artificial cavities: updates (Carla Galeazzi)
  • War works

All information can be found at: https://hypogea2023.it/en/


September 29, 2023
October 1, 2023


Centro Studi Sotterranei
UIS Artificial Cavities Commission
Delegazione Speleologica Ligure


Palazzo Ducale, Sala Maggior Consiglio
Piazza Giacomo Matteotti, 9
Genova, 16123 Italy
+ Google Map

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