The “EuroSpeleo Protection Label” is a European speleological award managed by the ECPC and financed by the FSE. The EuroSpeleo Protection Label will help to promote amongst the speleological clubs of Europe, cave and karst protection activities that are designed in an integrated ecological way, taking into account besides FSE charta and rules also EU environmental directives, the principles of administration of the Natura 2000 sites and the IUCN Guidelines on caves and karst protection.
With what kind of project can you apply?
The EuroSpeleo Protection Label will be awarded every year to one unique cave and/or karst protection project. A European speleological jury established by the ECPC Board will make the selection. Any project aiming at protecting caves and/or karst developed by a club, a local committee or a national commission from a member country of the FSE can apply.
o Please read the ESPL 2025 Guidelines carefully in English
o Previous ESPL awarded Projects (click on the Project title for the report)
2024; Wonderful aragonite: protect, study and carefully show Balbonne cave ; Comité départemental de spéléologie de l’Aude; FR
2023; Digging into the Past: Preserving Irelands Cultural Heritage through Cave Exploration ; Cork Speleological Group (CSG); IE – – Project booklet “Digging into the Past: Preserving Irelands Cultural Heritage through Cave Exploration”
2022; Microplastic pollution in karstic and cave aquifers MPKCA; TETIDE APS, Associazione di Promozione Sociale; IT
2021; CaveLife App; German Speleological Federation; DE
2020; Phreatic Project Sardinia; Phreatic A.S.D.; IT
2019; Center of excellence – Cerovačke cave – sustainable management of natural heritage and karst underground; Nature park Velebit – Zagreb Speleological Union; HR
2018; Cleaning up the darkness – Puliamo il Buio (PiB); Italian Speleological Society (SSI); IT
2017; Renaturation of the Sagtümpel; Verein für Höhlenkunde in Obersteier; AT
2014; Atlas Wallon du Karst – Bassin de la Basse Lesse; CWEPSS – Commission Wallonne d’Etude et de Protection des Sites Souterrains; BE (in French only)
2012-13; Speleological Educational Path Đula – Medvedica; Speleological Society Đula – Medvedica; HR
2011; Monitoring of Proteus Anguinus via Internet; Tular Cave Laboratory – Društvo za jamsko biologijo; SI
2010; Coliboaia Cave – Protecting a Unique Prehistoric Site; Asociata Speleologica Speowest Arad; RO
o Prize Take-over Pictures

The European Cave Protection Commission would like to thank the FSE sponsors for their kind donations for the ESPL each year.