ESP 2024-08 Expedition Arañonera 2024, Central Pyrenees, Spain

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The Tendeñera mountain range and the Arañonera cave system are located in the Central Pyrenees, in the province of Huesca, Spain.

After completing the exploration of the new Groga line and the review of the Somnis de Glòria collector, both upstream and at the terminal siphon, work carried out during the last two campaigns, we set new objectives. These are aimed at resolving uncertainties that could expand the system to the west, reviewing and dismissing all doubts in the upper part of the system, up to the Primigeni river.

The main objectives include continuing with the exploration of the new passage discovered the previous year, the Crunxi and Riuet Zig-Zag line, reviewing the Primigeni river upstream, and finishing the exploration and topography of the Eclipse line.

On the other hand, outside the system, we also had important objectives. One of them was to review the area near the pass between Ripera and Tendeñera, as well as the prospection and exploration of hanging entrances. A notable project is the C10 cave, known and explored in 2006. This entrance, with significant unexplored blockage, has high potential due to its location. It is the highest entrance on the southwest face of Tendeñera and presents a remarkable air flow, making it a difficult but promising objective.

In addition to continue with the explorations, we have set another major goal: conducting a large-scale cleaning of the system. This would include the bivouac at -600 meters, located in the S1 gallery, and the entire path of the S1 cave up to the entrance. During the explorations in the Somnis de Glòria collector, we found numerous remnants of past explorations and old ropes, which were removed during the re-equipping of the S1 galleries in 2022 and 2023. Therefore, we believe it is an ethical responsibility to make an effort to keep the system clean.

Read the full report.