FSE presence at the Belgian and Dutch Caving Days

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The FSE was present with its stand and exhibition at the biennial Caving Days event in Ferrières, Belgium on the 21/22 September. This event is organised by the Flemish Federation of Cavers (VVS), the Belgian Union Of Speleology (UBS) from Wallonia and the dutch association Speleo Nederland. It was also the celebration of 50th anniversary of the VVS. The FSE congratulates our Flemish colleagues.

During the event cavers could join caving trips to normally closed caves, attend lectures, visit equipment and book stands, a photo exhibition and of course the FSE stand. The event had some 200 participants from Belgium and the Netherlands and some neighbouring countries.

On Saturday night a raffle was organised with also prices from the FSE sponsors Aventure Verticale (AV) and Scurion. The Scurion lamp was the main price.

It was a very pleasant event with nice weather, good folk and an atractive program.