European Children and Young Cavers Working Group ECYC – Questionnaire

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As one of the results of the last General Assembly Meeting of the FSE a new working group was founded – “European Children and Young Cavers (ECYC)”. The Working Grou is chaired by the new FSE Vice-President Christiane Meyer.

This new working group will serve all children and young cavers in Europe, to help them to discover the fantastic world of caves and karst. The range of possible activities and projects is quite big, speaking of school materials/activities, youth camps, support of youth groups, speleo training, children books, preparation of material/books for kids concerning geology, biology, climatology, hydrology and many more.

As a first step we would like to gather information about what is already being organized on national level.

Therefore we would like to ask you to send us information about how you support children and young cavers in your country and what you think, this working group should focus on. For us it is important to know the status quo in Europe to efficiently organize our work for the best outcome for the kids. We send this message to you all, because you are the key to sustainable youth promotion in Europe. Our children should benefit from the knowledge and experiences of the „older“ caver generation. Moreover the ECYC would like to help to strengthen the exchange among the FSE member countries, so that everyone can benefit from the experiences of the others, learn from each other and develop further good practice examples on European level.

We kindly ask you to complete this online questionaire until 15.10.2023 (extended deadline).

The questionnaire is available at: